Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

oct 5 - fnew oyork scity

Dear Diary,

Maybe I won't wear that shirt again to work. I've gotten remarks like, "Wow! hee...it's so bright..." and "FOS?". I mean, I know it's in yellow, orange, white and two shades of pink, and it has flowers on one sleeve and the front right-side, but I like it! I really like it. It's cheerful. It's a happy shirt. Who doesn't need happy shirts once in a while? People who likes to be "serious" at work, that's who. Fine. I'll only be 'happy shirt' in casual situations. No loss for me! And it's not that I have anything against FOS, I lurve FOS, it was where I got my dance dance lounging pants which I absolutely adore (a personal homage to my favourite song, Dance Dance by Fall Out Boy; seriously, LOVE), but it's totally not where 'happy shirt' is from, unless FOS is Fnew Oyork Scity.
