Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

18 oct - your own sweet time

Internal conversation with an elevator.

You're at -4? You'll be up in a jiffy, right? I'm only three floors above. ... ... ... You're still down there? Business is brisk, huh? Oooookayy. ... ... Um, you're really taking your own sweet time. That's okay. It's not like I have to go home, like, right this second. I can wait. For a million years or so. Maybe you're just tired. Fine, fine. Who am I to rush you. I'm just a lowly passenger. ... Oh okay. I get it. I'm just staring at you so that's why you're really slow, right? It's like the boiling water pot thing. Watch boil pot water. Wait boil water pot to boil. Pot water watch. Boiling. Water pot boiling hot. Watch water boil pot. Pot- FINALLY! YOU'RE HERE! THANK YOU FOR TAKING SOME TIME TO PICK ME UP! HOPE IT'S NOT STRAINING YA!