Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

Nov 2- my heart's a puddle of goo

"So she came up to me and said, 'Your tummy looks like pregnant! Just like my mommy!' "
"I know!"
"And just when I thought I was quite cute too."
"Nggghhh. Kids."

Queenie is a girl in an Enid Blyton's story who had the heart of a stone. Literally. One day she went into the woods and met a magic woman, and the woman clapped her back and out came a stone which was actually her heart. She did some kindness after that, it melted and became a warm, beating, normal heart.
I need to melt my heart too. It is dark, cold and bitter.

oh wait: http://www.dooce.com/archives/daily/11_01_2006.html
my heart's a puddle of goo