Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

Nov 08 - warm fur boots

I have written in my diary thus:

Live in Alaska or Greenland.

At first I wanted to write to boys living there, a letter which will contain some of the following:

1. I do not know you, and you do not know me, yet
2. However, must cut short any inclination to have relationships
3. Reason(s) being: I am sitting in my office and it is very DAMN COLD I am freezing my fingers numb I couldn't stand it
4. I have decided I could never live in those places, because it's COLD
5. We shall never partake in any cold-land-related activities because, um, I CANNOT STAND THE COLD
6. I shall also will never get to live in igloos and wear ugluks.

Ugluks <-- my guess is some kind of warm fur boots, an information that is somehow lodged inside my brain, and then I wikipedia-d it and this came out and HAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHA:

(Redirected from Ugluk): List of Middle-earth Orcs.


Ugl�k was the captain of Saruman's Uruk-hai who attacked the Fellowship at Amon Hen and captured Merry and Pippin. He and his fellow Uruks claimed responsibility for killing Boromir, haranguing the common Orcs who shied away from him in battle.

Seriously sometimes I kill myself.

Anyway, so I didn't because how come I want to write to boys?