Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

Nov 27 - beneath my wings

"Ka-te? Funny way to name a brand, huh? Hahaha!"
"Maybe if it's Kate rhymes with slate, instead of KA-TAY, it wouldn't be THAT funny."
"Oh. Heeee. Hey have you heard Gwen Stefani's new song? Wind somethingsomething?"
"Excuse me, did you just say wind, as in wind beneath my wings instead of wind as in wind up that jack-in-a-box, yo!?"
"It's wind up that jack-in-a-box wind. Apparently there is something wrong with your brain. Also: TWOFOLD."

The Firm by John Grisham.
I wasn't too impressed. All I could picture in my head was Tom Cruise running... and running... and running...