Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

30th nov - called me pretty

Dearest N. Agony,

I shall be on the next aeroplane to Nicaragua. Pray tell, pretty lass, what shall I get you from the soils of Nicaragua?

Curious & bound for Nicaragua.

Dear Curious,

It might surprise you, since I am such a know-it-all, but alas! I have no knowledge of Nicaragua. I have never been there. I'm not exactly sure where it is, even. All I know of it is it has such nice stamps, as I once used to be a stamp collector in days of yore (Shut up. You collect stickers. Still. What are you, eight?). Sometimes the stamps have pictures of cats on them, which I loved very much. Admittedly my wisdom of this country is very, very zero; hence, I am not able to answer your question immediately before executing any research.
A quick lookup on Google (what can i buy in nicaragua) rendered many results. Among them and my personal favourite is
'Granada - Nicaragua�s grandest city
And in these towns, I�m told, you can buy these grand old houses for $50000'
HEEEE. Of course this is not possible. You cannot possibly buy me a house and bring it back with you on the aeroplane. Plus, I doubt that you have that much money. Anyway, this site here: 'Misi�n Nicaragua Managua | What To bring' is a tremendous help. It says, 'Nicaragua is a large exporter of leather, if it can be made out of leather (belts, wallets, shoes...) chances are you can buy it hand made, exquisite, and for dirt cheap.' So apparently you can buy me custom-made shoes. OR BOOTS! UGLUKS!!! I could use belts. Or leather purses. Handbags! It seems that the list is quite endless. Also, 'when I was there they were producing Jeans for a very well known department store in the US.' This means there are probably some really awesome branded item of clothings too that you could purchase. For me. Yay!

2. You called me pretty? Awwwh.

Okay Curious, I hope I have helped you out with these answers. Thank you so much for thinking of me, and for calling me pretty. Personally, I think you're a sweetheart ;).

~N. Agony~