Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

There's the TV Soap Opera, and then there's Real Life Soap Opera

You know what? I can't really control what other people feel. I can only do what I do. I realise that I've been relying on someone else to make me happy for too long. From now on, I hope, that the only person that can make me happy is me. As for other people, the only persons that I really want to make happy is my family.

Infernal Affair2 : I love this one! This story has more twists and turns than a full-blown rollercoaster! Its all about the chinese-mafia world, powerful people, inventive cops, and everything is more than what it actually seems. Watching this made me realise how dangerous these people are, but at the same time.. I wanna be them! Haha! Then dont anyone mess with me! *snicker. Carina Lau is gorgeous. I have a serious crush on Edison Chen watching this. He's so absolutely too cute. Too cute! Sigh. He's a baddie, pretending to be a cop. Ooh he's so good. But I forgot his character's name, teehee. I wanna watch Infernal Affair all over again, and then Infernal Affair2 too. Cool Chinese Flick.

On the Bold and the Beautifool, Brooke reminisced about the time Stephanie called her a whore for sleeping with Eric the first and his TWO SONS. Ewwwww. And then, Stephanie died. Yes, she did! Thorne came over and talked about the day she had a heart attack, how she collapsed at his house..and then he told her. "I want to spend the rest of my life with Brooke," he said. And Stephanie had a fit, collapsed, againnnnn, and crashed into the glass table right in front of her. And oh yeah, she's in a wheelchair now. SO she crashes, just when Eric the first walked through the front door. The paramedics couldnt save her. So she died. And Thorne is sorry. But Eric the first is furious!

Then Thorne woke up, and we discover that it is allll just a dream. Teehee, its like a bad Karangan BM --> And then, saya terjaga dari tidur. Bwaha! So anyways, because of that dream, Thorne changed his mind about telling his mom, and came home to find Brooke waiting for him. Upon hearing that the mission failed, Brooke picked up the phone and wanted to tell Stephanie herself. Eric the first answered, and boy, was he pissed off at her. Brooke is bewildered, he has never been mean to her. But Eric the first is angry, so even Brooke cannot escape his wrath. Then Thorne picked up the phone, got angry at his dad for talking to Brooke that way, tossed the phone into the couch without hanging up, so his dad can hear them making out. Haha!

Amber is still so insecure, and she worries about cousin Becky spilling the bean. So aunt Tawny said, ok, lets send the pictures, even though that was Amber's idea in the first place and she chucked it out. She suggested to Amber about having another child with Fake Rick (gasp! what would the Real Rick say?) but Amber angrily told her she wasnt ready. And Fake Rick isnt ready. CJ questions Fake Rick's happiness. Kimberly and Mrs Logan plots to discover Amber's real secret, so they are sending Kimberley to France to see Becky. Amber goes off to find Fake Rick, but instead stumbled upon Fake Rick and Amber kissing, so she hid behind the door. Fake Rick insisted to Kimberley that they cannot do this. When Fake Rick left, Amber entered the room with daggers in her eyes. They bicker, per usual, Amber calling names, and Kimberley shaking her head a lot. Soon they were in a physical fight; more action! Amber chokes Kimberley with Kimberley warning that she knows self defense. And she does! She kicks Amber's butt, literally. Okay, literally, she kicked Amber's stomach. Kimberley left with a warning that Amber is not the one running the show now. As of now, Kimberley is calling the shots. Becky calls Stephanie to find out how Little Eric the third is doing. Speaking of Becky, I wonder what she is really doing. All she does is mope around her room, talking to herself and wonders to death about Eric the third. But we do see her in the office, taking care of a baby, which reminds her of her baby, which resulted in her talking to the baby about how much she misses her baby. I dont think the baby understands, though, he only speaks french.

Really, my secret desire is to write episode summaries in Television Without Pity.

The university's alumni is really in a sad affair.

To those who are in the know; I love your company. Thank You.