Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

Change much? And I am not talking about cents.

Maybe when she says "You've changed.", what she really sees is "You no longer want to do the things I want to do. You stand up for yourself more often now. Where is that push-over I once knew? Where has she gone to?"

Change. It's inevitable (I've ALWAYS wanted to use this word, yay!).

On the news today:

David Blaine ends 44-day confinement in glassbox over River Thames. Bush and Roh Moo-hyun (S.Korea) discusses N.Korea (Is coffee good over there). Pak Lah says government will continue to champion youth (because youth is so important to the nation, and some of them are killing each other). And a lot of news on Dr. Mahathir.

You know I am such a kidder.