Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

My Father, the Hero

Remember that film called My Father, the Hero? A very young Katherine Heigl was in it, with Gerard Dipardieu. Its mean, isnt it, pretending that your own father is your live-in lover just to impress a cute boy (Dalton James). Besides that, its funny. I liked it.

Today while driving back from work, for some reason unbeknownst to me, the car's temperature reached the red mark. Whoa, rite? Whoa is right! And there were smoke coming out from the hood! Haha! (Okay I did not actually regard this as funny. I remembered Ery's boss's car exploded and caught fire) So I took a left turn and parked. Who came to the rescue? Mi padre, naturally.

I think I only bring trouble to my dad. He was always there to repair any damages, albeit being angry and bla bla bla bla bla. But he's still there. So..

I'm really not good at expressing feelings. Psshhh. Maybe after this I could be more sane and calm and listen to him more. Not give him funny looks or roll my eyes when he does something .. unconventional. Okay, I'd still roll my eyes. But still. Be more.. good.

I need to remember this more often.

Because sometimes you just think that you are all grown up and know evverrything.

But really, you're still just this budak hingusan (snot kid (???)).

And one more thing. Tapes and water? Really good things to have in your car. And torchlight. And tape. Tape? Tape is important. Just in case anything falls off.

Ashton Kutcher proposed to Demi Moore. Ben refers to Jenn Lopez as girfriend (not fiance). I'm beginning to think the Utusan Malaysia really enjoys making artistes pose like a fool. Really. Evidence : Persada Seni. Someone accused Dr. Mahathir putting down Jews. But he didnt. And Pak Ali's house in Gombak, the house with no nails? Burnt to crisp. Peetee.