Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

jan 05 - love can't be photocopied

"cinta tak boleh fotokopi tapi bini boleh. huh."
"they are all words i understand but together, they don't make sense."
"love can't be replicated? but you can have more than one wife."
"but you can love lotsa people at the same time too."
"okay... maybe it's meant to be love can't be photographed but wives can."
"love can be photographed. you write the word love on a paper and you take a picture."
"true. love can't be carbon copies but wives can?"
"well you can photostat a person. just... not... a whole body at the same time."
"love can't be photocopied but papers definitely can. be."
"papers with love shapes on them?"
"hmmm. good point."

"i give up."

"yeah me too."

tracy chevalier's the lady and the unicorn = <33333