Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

28 Jan - so very kind.

I look like:

1) Fazura
2) As Feminin
3) my friend I
4) my friend S
5) M who looks like Nanu Baharuddin
6) Ida Nerina

People are so very kind.

Yesterday I witnessed that while it's easy to be together in health, in sickness is a whole different thing altogether. I don't know how that strong lady could take care of her husband who had a stroke, nerves and sensors all screwed up, couldn't even swallow without taking time to figure out which muscles to use - without breaking in tears every one hour.

Last night I had a semi-blind date. I was at first worried about what I was going to wear, what will we talk about, and WILL I EAT ALL PROPERLY DURING DINNER(eating out etiquette like, really, ...un-nice). I did quite well on the eating front, and my date was really pretty and nice. I had a good time. And I wore mother's crocs. They are seriously ugly but they are magic: it's like wearing something but not wearing anything. My feet were in a lover's embrace. I'm going to get some.