Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

feb 15 - amazing random thingamajigs out of thin air

pet peeve: people asking, for, like, things, and, they're, like, don't have any idea what it should be, and they, like, expect you to be creative and just pull amazing random thingamajigs out of thin air, like, you are like a complete genius, or something, and you, like, know, that the truth is sometimes they don't really listen to you, because you tell them one thing, and that time they're like, okay, and then sometime later, they ask you about the exact same thing, again, like you haven't ever told them anything ever before, and they don't even notice they're doing it, so, like, actually, that sucks.

in love with james morrison's voice in 'you give me something' and 'wonderful world'. ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~<3 (love falling).

when is britney coming back? HURRY UP.
