Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

March 25 - Happy Birthday Natinski

Dear Natinski,

I think you're awesome like my cousin sister whom I used to worship when I was little, and she was really annoyed about that because I just couldn't leave her alone, because if she did anything I was right there being a copycat, and then this parasitic relationship kind of ended because one day I saw some pictures of my cousin brother's friends, and I asked the name of one of them (PURELY OUT OF CURIOUSITY) and then my cousin sister won't stop teasing me about 'him', which I really, really hate so she made a blackmailing deal: she'll stop teasing if I stop being her unwanted shadow. She was just really awesomely cool.

Happy Birthday, O Awesome One. I wish you all the happiness and joy and rainbows and four-leaf clovers life should bring.
Why shouldn't life bring it? There'll be no excuse, You're awesome! Happy Birthday. I'd send you a card or even a little gift, but I'm still too chicken to request for a real-life mailing address. Maybe next time. :).

A fan,

PS: I went to the warehouse sale and found the one hundred great books in haiku - it made me LOL right there and then! just flipping through, my favourite was Little Women - one down, three to go. HAAHAHAHAHAHA.