Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

April 6 - Mr Gerbor, there's someone here

My Jem Memories

Eversince I read Natinski's list of seven songs she listens to where Jem's opening theme was number 2, I can't get the song out of my head. I remember thinking Kimber was the coolest name ever, Rio was such an idiot for not figuring out that Jem and Jerrica were one and the same (and plus, he was SOO a wuss) and my favourite favourite part to sing in Jem's opening theme was always 'We are The Misfits, our songs are better, we are The Misfits, The Misfits, our songs are better'. It's the part I really got excited about. In one episode we could not stop laughing at the line "Mr Gerbor, there's someone here to see you.", because Mr Gerbor! Gebor is a blanket! Heeee! I love Jem. We used to tape it all the time.