Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

april 16 - how much passion i had

the post http://idoublera.wordpress.com/2007/04/15/no-fun/ because of a word made me remember a scene from an OC episode where julie and caleb got married, and ryan danced with marissa so sadly because he was to leave for chino to be with theresa who was having his maybe baby, and i remember adoring ryan atwood so much and how much passion i had for the OC, and now i hate OC because seth cohen has changed and i really hate taylor, and i'm a little bummed because i used to love them all so much back then (unfortunately, even marissa). :(.

but then there's gizoogle.com (via www.breedemandweep.com),

on tha internet there is a picture of tha family whose place we'll be spendin' at in siem reap fo' sho'. that there is a cat in it breaks mah heart. i am a freak'n wuss.

a couple of nights ago i hiznung out wit some young'uns n BOY was i GLAD i didn't end up wear'n tizzy dorky hard rizzock cafe shizzay like a tru playa'. fo` future referizzles siznelf, dress up going WHEREVER.

fun S-to-tha-izzong fact #6: everytime i hizzle good charlotte sing aaahuh, aaahuh, keep yo hands off mah giznirl, i'd be like, really? aren't you like, 30, madden? coz tha sizzay jizzy screams '23 year old' ta me.
