Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

april seventeenth - ones i keep

poor girl (http://theyogainstructordiaries.blogspot.com/2007/04/day-rm150000-was-made-joke.html). i thought she'd win. i know maybe 3% of what she's feeling. once i won a prize in a kid's magazine's coloring contest but i never saw that prize-bottle of ribena. i felt ripped off. i mean, i love ribena. and for my effort and creativity all i got were a couple of letters from teenaged? twenty-year-olds? army dudes who wanted to be pen-pals. what kind of sickos writes to girls ten years their junior? ones i keep far away from, those kinds.

uhh... it just hit me that maybe i needed to pick up the prize someplace back then. huh.

welp, i'm embarrassed now. thanks, brain! keep up the good work!

as suspected, i was the only one that "gets" the gravity of chuck norris' action jeans. in my world, ... i laugh alone.