Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

april 18 - master of the WORLD.

dear The Great Gatsby (special care to Capitalize First Letters because you're special and obviously, Great),

look, i really didn't mean to put you aside. i mean, we did have a great time the other day, just spending time together in the first chapter, hanging around while waiting for a friend to return to her office, which and then turned out: we were waiting on the wrong floor. i mean, thank god the person wasn't in his (his, maybe, because it was messy and lacked decorations) room where i could have just barged in and announced "heeeeere's ME!". that would have been so embarrasing, fo' sho'.

it's just that, i dunno, i picked up the virgin's lover randomly and then continued to read it until the end even when i didn't really like it that much the first time around. but this time it was better. because i visualised cate blanchett and the fiennes boy (i forgot which one) the whole time and it came alive. it was beautiful. that fiennes dude is beautiful. those spaniard looks! sighhhhh. and the way elizabeth and cecil pulled off the treachery - my horse! it was breathtaking! and at that moment finally, finally i loved philippa gregory's elizabeth. i love that she was strong enough to order it even when she appeared to be weak. you can't get more girl power than that, me thinks. hence, <333.

and then after that for some reason i can't identify i had a most urgent urge to read the other boleyn girl, yet again, even when i've read it immediately before you and TVL. i can't explain it! it's just there! so basically what i just had was a TOBG sandwich. heee. ok, that's a bad joke. sorry. so anyways, it was a philippa gregory hatrick. i don't know why. i feel like i've read too much that even Henry VIII keeps popping up in my dreams. him, or the whole court, or conversations starting with d'yous. seriously. overload.

so i'm done with them, but, but... the other day i went into town and discovered the master of the world by jules verne for 4 ringgits. i mean, score! i have never even heard of this one, but when i found it it was like a finding a diamond in the rough. maybe it's the title. Master of the WORLD. i just felt really great. heee. there was this one guy who discovered a book on Dallas the soap opera and then he didn't put it down, and i so wanted to check that out but then he went ahead and purchased it with two other books so for the whole three books he only paid 10 ringgits. sweet, right?

i'm probably going to go through that next.

i really hope you won't sulk.

i'll get around to you again, eventually, because you know how much easily i get distracted by shiny stuffs, right? and one of the top-most reason why i got you is exactly that. because you're shiny and so pretty. uh. maybe you don't want to hear that. i really mean, one of the top-most reason why i got you is because you are touted as one of the most awesome-est piece of literature around. my deepest desire is really wants to be 'in' so i just had to have you. truly. madly. deeply. you're my ticket. honey.

promise i'll see you soon, okay?

yours sincerely,