Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

april 27 - one day

attention: universe, dude.

i do not hate guys.
i mean, i do not hate guys, in general.
hate is such a strong word.
i do not dislike guys, in general.

i mean, i don't like guys with jerky attitudes like, eric on this current amazing race, whom on last week's show, said something like "i'm going to try to keep danielle strong."
what the heck?
is she not in the race with you right now making it to top 4, TOGETHER?
keep her strong?
just like a man, huh. keep a woman strong, just like a man.
so, uh, no.
or remember colin when he wanted his woman to be behind him 100% even when he was wrong and she wasn't trying to rub it in his face, it's just that honey? you're wrong. and then he blew a gasket. also? "my ox is broken!" heee. my ox is broken.
i miss colin.

look, i have had crushes. or am having crushes. whatever. i don't tell people about them. like amanda (or michelle on ANTM? THEY R IDENTICAL DOODE). see? normal right? did i not squee about muhammad adhif? and nathan patrelli? (there is this one scene in which he said something about even he can't believe he's believing IT and his face changes and it was AWESOME. MAD PROPS!!!) for all you know i could be having a crush on dr. derek shepard. KIDDING. I AM KIDDING. i am not about to get on board a boat filled with over six million women of all races.

i'm getting on a boat destined for "DUTCH's CRUSHES GOES HERE", though. seriously. his and his mrs' adventures in greece is just WOW(http://www.sweet-juniper.com/2007/04/story-of-when-we-were-young-and-stupid.html). WOW. just like a movie. also, he makes me tear up sometimes. i mean, i'm constantly surprised that my heart is not made out of stone.

listen, i might not be there today, or tomorrow, but one day i will, you know? so chill.

we're cool, right?