Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

may 09 - because i have a cold black heart

inspired from chi's (http://pullharderstringsmartyr.blogspot.com/2007/05/

if you really think about it, "because i have a cold, black heart." is the answer to a lot of things. for instance, to the questions regarding marriage. if someone were to ask, "when are you getting married?" and answering "because i have a cold, black heart." is awesome because it's really a 2 in 1 answer. "when are you getting married?" is essentially almost the same as "why are you not married yet?" and thus, THE ANSWER. observe:

1. Q."when are you getting married?"
A."because i have a cold, black, heart. of course i DON'T EXACTLY KNOW WHEN. duhh?"

2. Q."why are you not married yet?"
A."because i have a cold, black, heart, duhhh?"

3. Q."how come you don't have a boyfriend? (even after a million years right? (come on. I KNOW YOU WANT TO))"
A."because i have a cold black heart. hello?"

of course, gathering courage to actually answer with THE ANSWER when the questions arise is a whole other thing. because i have a cold black heart and also? it is very wimpy.