Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

may 12 - wannabe flapper girl

well the great gatsby, it pleases me to say that i have finally finished reading uh, you. although i kind of cheated a bit because i read you, and then went back to the constant princess, before feeling guilty about not continuing to read you, and then proceeded to read you. until the end. at the end i felt like a wannabe flapper girl, lips poised round perfectly to utter an "OH!" yep. that's what it was like. like a girl pretending to be a flapper, but was surprised(and naive) at what it takes to be a flapper. girl.
so the great gatsby wasn't so great after all. haunted by love that led to an ending which; i don't know how i really feel about it. just that "OH!" OH.
i guess now i'll have to finish chaucer and beuwulf. it feels like being dragged to the torture chamber.