Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

may 18 - are you there

dear diary,
what i really want is one of those big-assed sunglasses like the one paris wore to court. i know some people will be slack-jawed by this point if i were to say it out loud, but as joey poignantly puts it: "Growth". i guess. anyway A pointed out that you could get them at MNG for 95 buckaroos, but i want them preferably to cost less than 20. i mean, i'm not going to spend so much on a trivial piece of guilty pleasure. that kind of money should go to more important stuffs, like a new book on starwars' war-machines and crafts, or a pet-tunnel. that squeaks.

i'm also looking into investing in a more awesome dictionary. preferably one that has the meanings of poignant, conniption and curmudgeon in them. i know all the words to the one i'm currently having already.

are you there, diary? it's me,
