Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

may 28 - i'm excited about the presence of the words hansom

instead of buying new books (:_ tear), i have decided to start reading my parents' old story books(and ultimately still putting off beowulf, which i know is going to try to kill me in my sleep, being in the permanent position of 'next to bed' and all). they all look boring and uninteresting but life, this is a perfect example of don't judge a book by its cover. first stop is the store by michael pearson; the story of the struggles of a man building his dream emporium set at the end of the nineteenth century. i am currently right in the middle of it, it's not exactly a page turner, but, i could say i'm excited about the presence of the words hansom, suffragettes and carriages, so i'm still trudging on.