Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

june 02 - irony

what an emotionally-wraught previous entry. uhhh. mm. (tsk.)

so i'm done with the store. it wasn't a really exciting story; it was just like being there observing everything that happened as the years passed by. the third book was where everything picked up a tiny pace; and where i finally cared about the family a smidgen. what stood out for me the most was how thomas kingston insisted on the "good trade" when it came to the store, but he himself was not above adultery. irony.
next stop: space by james a. michener. have absolutely know idea what about, yet. but at least now i know where i picked up "able to comprehend science fiction". book was father's.

the bigbookshop is having a clearance sale, again, so a wondering around was decided upon learning. had misted eyes over a wordless picture book called 'the snowman' (it was very touching (!!!)) and purposely avoided looking directly into the eyes of fictions. because i will not buy anymore books. not even the babysitter club's. nay. the mission was accomplished and i am very proud.

see ya.