Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

10 june - treat her all speshul

so hey, universe: a dude can be all boyfriend-y with a girl and treat her all speshul, but actually doesn't want to BE the boyfriend? and he gets away with it scott-free? "oh i'm so sorry but i don't like you in that way"? really? woah.
could you please tell this to my mom the next time you guys chat? maybe, like, "such are the ways of men these days", you know? thanks! you're a peach.
ps: you're not a guy, right?

-neri atreides skywalker-

"that's why arranged marriage is such a good idea," she said. i'm sorry, little buddy, i certainly tried.

-ewe-(haha! get it? U? as in my initial, U? for universe? only i spelled it - wait for it - ewe? awhh. i do have the sense of humor.)