Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

july 13 - shouldn't it be billiam

when people asks "what's new?" and i reply "nothingk." it is the absolute truth. it feels like life has been a standstill for about five years. to inject some excitement into it i have recently taken to listening to hot.fm in the evenings. as a result, i now have rossa's latest weepy ballad running through my head, instead of the usual likes of kelly clarkson's never again or maroon five's entire album. LIFE: TIS EXCITEMENT.
if you want me to public with this confession, hot.fm, i'd be glad to be of service, with a little token of appreciation, naturellement.

that book space by michael a. michener that i said i'd read? i haven't gotten past page 110. heeee. (it could be by far the most BORINGEST book ever)(maybe time to scrap plan:raid parents' bookshelves)

pet peeves list number 66:
1. the question/advice before vacations: take lots of pictures!!! !! !!! i'm sorry you don't know that i am most definitely a photo opportunity kind of person.
2. perfume sales people who do not offer perfume tests to people like me. how judgemental.

my name is earl is one of my favourite tv shows ever.

randy: why is bill short for william? shouldn't it be billiam?
mother watching MNIE possibly for the first time: that's a really good question.