Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

july 19 - your lack of enthusiasm is disturbing

t-shirt slogan ideas.

1. sometimes you're chirpy and cheery and enthusiastic, and then you meet people, and they are so... not. just like robots. YOUR LACK OF ENTHUSIASM IS DISTURBING... ROBOT.

2. what better way to announce that you have awesome cute pets and that... you are their slave? PROFESSIONAL DOGGY/KITTY LITTER SCOOPER.

3. repulsed by the recent furore over a certain un-plastic bag by a certain brand name? as if that will drive people to be more environment conscious! bet they don't even recycle like you do, huh? SUPPORT I AM NOT A PLASTIC BAG ALSO WHAT! by NYONYA'S HANDMADE(S).

4. sometimes you whine "I AM SOOOO BORED!" and your mom would say "I don't understand how you could be bored when you could read books." isn't that annoying? But you don't want to be rude. BOREDOM IS REALITY.

the other night i dreamt that we were on a huge boat/a cruise, but we had to escape because there was an evil plot of assassinations, and how i knew was because i noticed something fishy in the way the crew took a picture from a wall and then on the wall there was an image of a washing machine. as we escaped by jumping from the boat-deck onto the river/sea's cliff, i saw willem dafoe getting into a small boat to row his way to the big boat, and i was sure that thank gauze! we escaped! because willem dafoe is evil and surely will kill us all.
poor willem dafoe, victim of unadulterated judgement.