Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

sept. 04 - just in case people, you know... wonder.

unmarried person 1: hey i read in a magazine this one couple were brought together by match.com.
unmarried person 2: so what are you saying?
up1: that maybe we should join match.com?
up2: ... um, what? hell. NO.
up1: at least people couldn't say we didn't try!
up2: ... still can't believe you have ENTERTAINED the notion.
up1: i... i know. i'm disappointed in myself.
up2: EWW. you know?
up1: I KNOW!
up2: you do it first.
up1: right. ok. courage! courage! come on now, grow some spine!
up2: you'd have to put up a picture.
up1: aaahhh... yeah. that would be the fall of me.
up2: i mean, yoda told us: do or do not. there is no try.
up2: it's a dumb idea anyway.