Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

nov 13 - cheated. on facebook

so i cheated. on facebook. the part where i've read mr dickens' great expectations. the truth was i read the simplified version of it. the one that i got for one ringgit. i thought it'd be awesome to read simplified versions of thick novels, basically know what it's all about, and force people to discuss about it, impressing them with my "skimmed there, read that" aura. i'll be a hit at parties! only, i haven't attended any parties of late. and the parties that would have been wouldn't really have any book discussions in it. huh. anyway; but i loved it so much! that i went and bought a real one. and i'm going to read it too. really read it. and track my progress. it'll be fun. only i haven't started yet. because i bought it together with kate and olivia by annie murray. suddenly i'm thinking i'm in the phase of 'old english times'. which would explain why i felt like i just have to read kate and olivia, about people who lived in england sometime ago. i think it has always been phases when it comes to books. the last phase was 'historical fiction'. so i got that, and read that, and, it was... not bad. it's like another version of summer sisters, which i love. only the not-vix(i absolutely cannot recall her name. phoebe? no that's her mother) in kate and olivia, which would be olivia, is way crazier than summer sister's not-vix. but they both have nice endings. kind of. one of them (olivia? not-vix? i'm not telling) died on the train tracks (she lay down on them all by herself) (wait maybe i'm giving away too much).

and then after that i read 1st to die by james patterson, because i can't remember who the murderer was. or how kind of dragging it can be.

so: to future updates of great expectations by charles dickens. wheeee!