Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

november 27 - if you could just bring one of your cute friends

"this is all your fault, you know."

"all my... what?"

"you know. my state."

"your state?"

"of singleness."

"of... what?"

"if you could JUST bring ONE of your CUTE FRIENDS to any of our outings, a nice, well-mannered, good job-y dude, and i'd be myself all laughing and eating and he'd fall madly in love with me, and he'd use you to get information on how to flirt with me, and i'd fall for him too, and we'd get engaged, and then married, and have kids, and name one of our kids after you, because, we'd owe you. but now it's never going to happen, and it's all your fault."

"i... see?"

"yeah. you should. and i'm totally telling everyone that the next time they ask about the marriage thing."

"that it's all my fault."


"and nobody else also has ever set you up with any of their friends before."

