Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

dec 19 - i love love actually

"i love love actually."

"yeah me too."

"i love that it's like, you don't have to be in love with someone to be happy, just as long as you're with people you enjoy being around with."

"yeah that's cool."

"it's like, it's ok to be single ever if you watch the movie like, once every a week."

"dude that's... sad."



i'm digging this post(http://asrifomar.blogspot.com/2007/12/alfie- reincarnations-we-are.html). an eye opener! i knew i should have attended weddings alone aggressively. but of course it wouldn't work for me in the past, present and future because
a)i not pretty like some people(who has dudes stopping her in the middle of somewhere and nowhere asking for their phone numbers)(i.e ayunami)
b)there are no more weddings to go to anymore because everyone has gotten married.
i could summon the spirit of wedding crasher vince vaughn to channel into me but a). and a) and a) and a) and a) times infinity, it's never going to work out, man.
ps:i'm not serious.except the digging part because dude's a good writer. and the part where everyone HAS gotten married. kthxbai.