Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

dec 28 - pip's first expectation

i wanted to do this yesterday, but there were news about benazir bhutto's assasination, so i didn't because i'm a silly billy and mrs bhutto's death is something serious.

Charles Dickens' Great Expectations Update

i have now reached the end of pip's first expectation. he is about to embark on a new life, the life he has been dreaming about of recent! i have to say my fondness towards pip has diminished, i don't like him not liking his current station, thinking unpleasant thoughts about joe. how could one ever not love joe for the way he is? pip is becoming high and mighty, and he is not even there yet! oh pip. you're breaking my heart. but i am pleased to discover that pip was(is?) a little like me in having anxiety dreams. that is exactly the dream that would happen to me if i were in that situation. hee. that's cute.