Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

jan 04 - who's who?

ohmygosh i just had the most brilliant idea. you know how sometimes when we read a book... we get lost on who's who? like right now i'm reading the count of monte cristo and there were just a lot of fancy names that i always need to flip through a few pages back to find out who is this person whose name just suddenly popped up. so how about a bookmark... CONTAINING THE BOOK'S CHARACTER'S NAMES and a little bit of their background? BRILLIANT, right? I KNOW! I'M SORRY YOU FEEL THAT I'M HYPERVENTILATING. NO AM NOT. it's a two-in-one! it's a bookmark, AND a keeper-tracker! YOU WILL NEVER BE LOST AGAIN! OR WASTE TIME FLIPPING BACK PAGES! AND YOU WILL NEVER HAVE TO DOG-EAR YOUR BOOKS, AGAIN!!!OHMYGOURD! of course this is something one can do themselves but listen, one may have sucky handwritings. i'm sorry, but they do. and maybe they lack the imagination and finesse and talent to beautify the bookmark and make it all pretty (use lots of glitter, but SHHHHH SECRET). THIS IS A WINNER. I ALREADY LOVE IT. YES I SHALL COMMENCE NOT SHOUTING right now. yes i'm a genius, thank you. no this is not a sign of craziness even if A LOT of PEOPLE says it is. ooops. sorry.

ps: this might mean i HAVE to read beowulf now, but! i am the inventor of this thingie and if i want to postpone the maketh of "character guide" to beowulf, then it shall be so. unless, you know, i get devoured by grendel first.