Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

jan 08 - if there is a huckabee

so, we were watching the news and on the news was the news about the us election blablabla that the truth is i don't even know head and tails about? and then, it showed that huckabee won... something? and whenever i hear or read the word huckabee all i could think of is a)the movie i heart huckabee/s which i've never seen b)is it some kind of a product available only in the US? c)isn't it a name of a transformer, yes i know there is a bumblebee but if there is a huckabee wouldn't it fit right in? turns out huckabee is someone who is in the running for the us presidency. i could be wrong but i don't care. anyway, so he won something and then right there, on the screen, for a split second, there was... chuck norris. and i went "wait!" no, actually, it was more of "WAIT! ISN'T THAT CHUCK NORRIS?!!" and everyone was stunned, not because they also saw chuck norris but because, um, who yells at tv about chuck norris? needless to say of course they DIDN'T notice him. if he was ever there, which i had my doubts afterwards too, because i couldn't be the only one who saw him? at a split second, at that. i mean, if it was all in my head, it'd be seriously freaky because i HAVE NOT been watching ANY of HIS MOVIES RECENTLY. SRSLY NUH-UH. so how come i saw him? why couldn't it have been justin timberlake? or britney spears? was it one of the ways the universe is trying to hammer into my head that it is 2008, for goodness sake, you're old because who would have sightings of chuck norris AND recognise him in a split second? old people, that's who. who should probably be married a long time ago.

but, anyway, i have been salvaged! by this:


there really was a chuck norris in there.

and furthermore there is this:


heeeeeeee. hi, i'm old, unmarried, and have chuck norris sightings. call me!