Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

feb 03 - truly

the other day at borders when i saw superman (this kid wearing a complete superman costume: cape, outside-underwear. his dad was browsing star wars comics. he was soo adorable (the kid, not the dad. which would be unfortunate... for me if he WAS cute.), i also saw being elizabeth bennet: create your own jane austen adventure. i guess a lot of people would love to be lizzy bennet? but not me. if i could choose to be a jane austen girl i would absolutely adore it if i get to be elinor dashwood. a long-suffering heroine. perfect. elizabeth bennet gets on my nerve. and i was not in awe of mr darcy. of course my opinions are entirely biased: i have never read pride and prejudice, i've only seen the movie with keira knightley in it. and for some reason miss knightley do not impress me with her acting abilities, i always feel like she's talking with her mouth full of marbles. so this would actually render my points; moot. (it is really unfair to judge a heroine outside her true element-literature). to distract from this moot-ness i shall now direct our attention to: you know how i said i was kind of not liking pip because he wanted to be a gentleman so much and seemed to have forgotten his roots? i cannot stay disliking this boy for too long because he is just simply adorable and engaging. i absolutely adore his observations and if we were friends, we would be BFF and would laugh and be gay all day long. (there was an entire conversation about this, and how actually i've abandoned great expectations quite a bit on account of having a life, a life which was actually non-existent because... well, scooping out kitty litter every 5 hrs is not reallly a life, but i was countering that i was also reading two other books at the same time: the farewell waltz and jonathan strange and mr norrell, and in the end my other self made the other one cry. but the conversation was a little too boring to map out. so.(also, it was too crazy))

also, hey, i found a story i wrote a long, long time ago! and it was good, like, reallly, reallllly GOOD! and i was like, the hell? where did that self go? of course i know the answer: with age, and apparently, along with sanity.

and yesterday i was all psyched out to purchase a shoe i have been dreaming about for quite some time, in the color of peacock my favorite color at the moment, but the shoe was not available. i was crushed. and then my eye was kind of hurting, so i was walking around with one eye smaller than the other (i had to wait for someone to arrive) and was feeling a little bummed out, and then i made a stop at borders because i wasn't in the mood to look at anything else (or even to look at other shoes) and sat down and read a book, and half an hour later i felt alive again. and my eye was back to normal. so books: could pick me up anytime. anytime! yeah. man, i am truly a nerd. (also, then i saw superman and smiled at him and he smiled back and was all shy, so that made my day too.)