Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

feb 13 - the things he said

hey O.D,

i used to love the office UK so much, right? and then i saw the office US and i didn't like it. not sure why, it just rubbed me the wrong way. and then i went back to watching the office UK, and for some reason, i don't like it anymore either. my theory at that time was the office US kind of ruined it for me. but the other day i was just sitting down and the tv happened to air the office US, and jim has bought himself a pair of dwight-glasses, and dwight-yellow-shirt, and in the interview he punched in the calculator on his wristwatch to announce the total of those purchases (11 bucks - 4 for the glasses, 7 for the shirt), and then he sat at his desk firing fact! questions to dwight, and just when dwight was trying to figure out what's going on, he whupped out his own dwight-bobblehead, and when dwight started to protest jim went "MICHAEL!" and i laughed so damn hard i almost fell off my chair. and right then, i knew, at that moment in time, i was in love with jim.

i've recently become a fan of vanessa carlton's white houses, so this is for jim:

maybe i'm a little bit over my head
i come undone at the things he said
but he's so funny in his bright (yellow) shirt