Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

feb 26 - not really omar shariff

abchao's(http://www.flickr.com/photos/abchao) photos makes me want to run out and buy my own camera and take pictures like her. so, i have maybe 300 money-things extra. wish us luck, self!
last night we watched the oscars, and while i pointed out faye dunaway(!) in a gold dress to my mother, my mother noted that jennifer garner was in alias (for the second time, and, uh, mom, seriously, how come you only recognise this girl from alias? i mean, i didn't even think you watched alias that much), my dad spotted omar shariff in the audience. except, he wasn't really omar shariff, it was just george clooney(...).
the power that be of shoes, how come you be so mean to me? first, the shoe that i wanted in the peacock color is elusive. seriously elusive. and then i found another one that i kind of liked, like, i was thinking, oh hey! that would really look cute if i could wear it, so i asked the salesperson, and the salesperson took one look at the creature in my hand and said, "that one finish already." are you seriously serious! and then i found out that the elusive shoe? in peacock? is not so elusive afterall. IN ABOUT 180KMs FROM HERE. why! why you be so cruel! all i want is to be eligible for sartorialist! and the only shoes i could wear out right now are the beach crocs! beach crocs don't make it onto sartorialist! they go to gofugyourself! so, in order to compensate my grief, just send over a jonathan bennett lookalike with very nice manners. i would appreciate it. thanks!
i also found out 16 years ago, someone had a crush on me. yay! at least back then i was cute enough to be liked just for my looks(let's face it, when you're a youngling, you don't have crushes because in their "ambition" somebody put in "to save the environment".), especially since i thought i looked kind of... uh... just... you know... funny.
even facebook's all, dude, are you even DONE with great expectations? what with being reminded twice and all. heeee. (chill out, fb. the book's really good, and you'll like pip, i promise.)(i'm also reading how to be good nick hornby, and jon strange and mr norrell. slowly. are you tortured yet?)