Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

march 05 - move along now

why i shouldn't be allowed to roam free in the speed-dating circuit:

me: knock knock!
unsuspecting dude: oooooh a joke! alright. who's there?
me: miss
ud: miss who?
me: miscalculated that you'd be cute. NEXT!

"how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? no seriously. how much? i really want to know."

"hi, how are you? what's your name? what do you do? oh that's interesting! oh this my mom. yeah she wants to come along. you know, to check for crooks."


i am disappointed because nothing came out of it, because i was excited. my imagination got the better of me. but that's nothing new. move along now, these aren't the droids you were looking for.