Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

march 26 - by the bell

so yesterday i cried twice. first, there was a bj the octopus that has a distinct personality and the ability to recognise people. i mean, that was just simply awesome. second, ugly betty. last night's episode (Bradford Meade dying) was comedic but it also has genuine heart. for the heart, i cried.

last night i dreamt i was in a mall. and i only had 50RM but i wanted to buy lots of things. suddenly my eyes spied a DOOCE STORE and i got so excited so i went and the front of the store there were stickers and i was thinking, 'how AWESOME that this store is full of things that Leta likes". so i browsed around casually making my way slowly into the store and when i got to the back, it was actually a place for fish-biting-legs spa. i got into the wrong lot. DOOCE STORE was next door. so i went and immediately saw her sitting at a counter at the back and i was just grinning and grinning while walking towards her, and she smiled back with this look-"oh great here comes another lunatic wanting to rave about how much they love me", but she kept smiling anyway, and when i got to her suddenly the phone rang, so all i got to say was a huge "HI!" before she picked up the phone, and next to the counter were some other people and a pretty lady who looked a lot like Dooce offered me her hand with a hello and i said, "are you dooce's sister?" and she said no, a friend, and i said "oh so you all came down here with Leta to help" and she nodded and just as DOOCE finished her phone conversation and i was turning towards her MY ALARM WENT OFF so it ended.
Dooce was literally saved (from me) by the (phone)bell.