Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

mar 28 - suh-weet!

i used to hate vanilla flavoured ice-cream. vanilla, for me, was why does anyone bother? it's just white. it's not special. it even tastes.. generic. like the basic of what ice-cream should taste like. why choose that? it's boring.

but now i like it very, very, very much. suddenly all the other flavors (including chocolate) pales in comparison. vanilla is IT. (mint chocolate chip comes in second. what? i'm not weird. ok maybe just a little. but it's fresh! and minty! and YUM(how could you hate it))

other things i have new-found appreciation for:

dessicated coconuts (leading to chocolate bar bounty)


ugly betty

the office's jim


i've seen juno, and it's cool. i didn't even see it, like 100% of the time, 50% of it i was just listening. because i was at the workplace and got bored. so i turned it on. it's lovely. i love the scripts. everything they said about the movie was true; ellen page's awesomeness, the smart, witty scripts, the story, it's all true. i don't necessarily think diablo cody deserved to win the oscar, because, well, obviously the other movies are awesome too, i'm sure, but, it was great that she did. isn't diablo an awesome name? it just always takes me back to the movie bedazzled, when brendan fraser was the stupid basketball player for the diablos? and after he dunked one he went diablos number 1!! but his finger showed two digits? heee. so, yeah. diablo as a name is awesome. and, i also cried a little (i know, right? what's with me and crying lately? we never get on so well together!), at the part when vanessa was cradling her new baby boy. i didn't cry CRY, more like, a tiny bit teary, because i was at the office and that would be awkward (if i cried, "why are you crying?" "because she's got a new babyyyyyy").

i have also finally finished great expectations! yuh to the ayy, YAY! i loved it. it was sad, but, also, just... beautiful. it's hauntingly beautiful.

dear, dear mr dickens,

thank you so much for great expectations. i truly enjoyed my journey with pip; i adored him, disliked, liked, appalled, tolerated, pitied, and loved him in the end. he is a good kid. there are times when i didn't really get your prose, but they are comforting and just pleasant in the way they ebbed and flowed. i didn't mind them being long at all.

and did you invent the usage of the word cool, to define, uh... coolness? because when joe said a cool 4 thousand, that's what you wanted joe to mean, right? like, 4 thousand, man, suh-weet! so didja? coooooool.