Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

april 26 - of destiny

one time, i think i got a cold shoulder from a girl when she learned that the bag i brought was a fake branded good. i don't blame her. she was just asking, "whose _______ is that?!" and i said, "uh, me." and she went "i just sold mine for 1.5 grand!" and i went (i always do this, maybe its time to keep my mouth shut and leave things to imagination) "oh, it's a fake."

she was the life of the party and i was left feeling like a wallflower.

but this bag... is awesome. it's huge! it has got pockets for everything! different pockets for different sets of keys! it could be a makeshift pillow if situations call for it! it's big enough to stuff two telekungs in it! and still look normally handbag-ish and not like you will be away from home for at most 5 days! and it's best feature that i was happiest with recently is it hid the huge-ass jonathan strange & mr norrell that i brought everywhere; that at first i carried in my arms and people just "wowza! that's really...uh. huge.", and then i carried it in a paper bag and people still gawk at it, and finally i stuffed in into the bag and people did not look at me weird(at least not more than the usual). this bag hid my nerdiness. successfully. score.

it's a fake branded good but thus far only one person(life of the party gorgeous girl) has identified the company it "belongs" to.

(or people in the know will immediately KNOW it's obviously a fake because, yeah. they just look at me and they'll know.)

it's my last fake one, i promise, i know all about those poor kids losing fingers slaving away on these after someone's lecture about seeing it on oprah. if i could afford the real one and now that i know that it could be useful in many humongous wonderful ways (it's like the unicorn bag of destiny, kind of), i would. but i have this now so i'm going to make the best of it.

life of the party gorgeous girl, i'm sorry you may have been offended. (but this means that my taste maybe have a little sameness to your taste? i'm honored.)

also maybe there are better ways to spend my money on. like on a cat condominium with sparkles on it.