Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

may 21 - from a crazy person to a crazy person

okay, crazy person, let us put down the facts, lest you'd go and have another go at this stupid fantasy or assumption of yours:

as we remember this is the third time that you are having this mental delusion. not the first, the THIRD. ALL TIMES, that is exactly what it was. DELUSIONS. NOT EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE TO REALITY.
you were not chosen TWO TIMES. TWO TIMES you were just there, all hey! i'm here! me me me me and it was not you. it had been someone else. SOME FREAKING ONE ELSE.
how clearer could this be, dude?
he has also said, between us, NAH... IT COULD NEVER HAPPEN. we've come too far a long way. so?
yeah. not gonna happen. not in a year, not in 10 years, not in 100 years, not even you guys are probably stars floating in space. NOT EVEN.
so the next time you want to start on this journey, just review the facts first alright? whenever he says i've got something to tell you, the ranges are only between "hey i ate too much weird stuffs some colors are coming out of me" and "squeee i found a someone to nestle in my heart", but it will never never never be something that will invade your personal boundaries.
trust me on this. this is your past speaking to your present and future.
we don't like that roller coaster, no ma'am, no sirree.

thank you and good nigh.
(plus, you're getting so old you thought estelle that sang with kanye west? was estelle from eternal? yeah? you're too old for this kind of shite, come on.)