Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

july 10 - you pesky kids

did you know that perez hilton is on trl now? EW. it has reached to this: i, too, have grown sick of mtv, just like some crabby crazy cat lady who chases kids off her lawn. didn't mtv used to be purely about music, good or bad? and cheesy or awesome videoclips? filthy gossips must be injected too? is it what they want? i don't understand nor get youngsters nowadays. and oh yeah, GET OFF MY LAWN YOU PESKY KIDS!

heath ledger, the other day when i saw kungfu panda, batman (returns? mobile? forever? i cannot ever keep track)'s and after that my friend was like, "i thought heath ledger was in this movie?" and i was all, "DUDE. that sick joker was heath ledger." and he was all, "no way." i felt a gush of proudness for you. i think we all miss you.