Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

july 16th - where luke and mara starts to

besides recycling plastic, paper, glasses and everything i could get my hands on, i'm also currently into recycling books. reading again books i have not read for a year or more. not buying any at least for now, except jhumpa lahiri's latest collection of short stories, because if the word LOVE could be as tall as buildings, then this my LOVE-word-building for jhumpa lahiri would be as tall as the tallest building in the world. (haha, which one?)

so i'm reading star wars' a spectre of the past. the sitch's like this: it has been discovered that back in the days of yore, a group of bothans were agents of the emperor and had conspired in the destruction of the planet caamas. so most of the citizens of the new republic are up in arms calling for justice over what the bothans had done.

this is a war i don't get because it was only a group of bothans? and punishing all bothans would mean that humans should also be executed, because the emperor was a human being. if this was truly what they felt how be come Leia was appointed Leader of the New Republic? Leia, of all people, who descended from one evil Lord Darth Vader? so this war is unfair, unnecessary and illogical. at least to me. and they seem to have forgotten, in the immortal words of mon mothma, "Many Bothans died to bring us this information." the New Republic could be said to owe part of their success to the bothans' sacrifice.

of course some bothans are evil, some humans are too, not to mention scores of other aliens who were once agents of the Empire. should all race be prosecuted over the choice(s) that their members made? when spiderman once(or a few times) said, "we always have a choice."?

so whatever, definitely not a fan of this one. plus, this is where luke and mara jade starts to develop "feelings" for each other. YUCKS.