Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

july 21 - be all girly

serious crushing on duke orsino from she's the man. dude's a hottie(falsetto).

missdoxie is back, but there be not so good news as she has broken up with dukay. i don't know what dukay was thinking, man... doxie's hot, smart, funny, a lawyer, has a huge house, HOT, FUNNY, ... but i was just so happy she came back. she still brings the funny. love her to death.

yesterday i had my face steamed like a bbq chicken dim-sum bun(MMMMMM). and then stabbed with tiny dagger-knives. i imagined lilliputians hacking away diamonds off my face. they worked really hard.(diamonds because i just read the diamond as big as the ritz). but look at me be all girly!


also, i'm pissed that balthazar getty is cavorting around with sienna miller. dude has(had?)a wife and kids. balthazar getty, you dissappoint me.