Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

august 08 - for 6 years

you know how sometimes you love something to death, to infinity plus beyond and with all your shallow heart, but you just need to take a break from it? i think it's happening between me and dooce. i have been purposely avoiding it. i don't know exactly why. maybe i'm saving the best for last, though i'm not sure on what terms. i know i still love everything about it, but, it's just, ... we need some time apart.

the time has now come to confess the reasons why i do love to watch the ghost whisperer, despite trying very hard not to be hooked.

1. i love the marriage life melinda gordon and husband is having. they are awesome at it.

2. it will make me cry

3. it's hard to fight the fact i am getting older by the second, right? i must be gettin mellower. i accept jloveheww now.

my writer's block is so bad my latest password is ronaldo. RONALDO! and that was even copying someone else's!

doxie has a new man, and though i am happy that she is happy, i am still a little saddened(disappointed) that she has got a new man after about a month of breaking up with dukay, whom she was with for 6 years.