Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

aug 29 - horrible

you know you're cured from a horrible case of dr horrible-itis, somewhat, when:

1. now you only need to watch it ONCE a day. recovering!
2. you no longer have the songs playing in your head at any one time. unfortunately that has been stupidly replaced by my humps by black-eyed-peas. sigh.
3. you no longer weep and break out into "listen close to everybody's heart/hear that breaking sound/hopes and dreams are shattering apart/and crashing to the ground" whenever you think about poor tony markarios. poor tony markarios! um, brb. (*sniff)
4. when you play a game on the computer, the sound effects are from the game and not dr horrible's sing-a-long blog playing in the background.


i shouldn't be given books that has magical qualities to read. for instance, the his dark materials series. i badly want a daemon, and was greatly disturbed about tony markarios and his daemon being cut away, and he ended up with a dead fish. broke my heart, even after a few days. i should be doing more reality stuffs to convince myself that i belong in the real world. i should be doing more manual laundry.

just saw the last half an hour of blood diamond, and wanted to cry. leo dicaprio was brilliant.