Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

sep 04 - my VOS wants a time out

a few days ago, starring nerryna and her voice of sanity:

"omg. i wish i have twitter. i want to tell the world i can dance like rod stewart in his videoclip!"
"why would you want to tell the world you can dance like rod stewart? if he can, i bet he would burn all of his videos of this era."
"but! dude! he danced like that and married a supermodel! think of what i could do!"
"drive more people away with more proof of craziness."
"dude! you! are! so! a! party pooper!"
"i am the voice of sanity. is what i do."
"i'm dancing like rod stewart! wheeee!"
"dear God, can i please be transferred to be some other person's voice of sanity? could i just exist alongside james mcavoy's voice of sanity? i bet he is as dreamy as his true person..."
"if i keep this up, maybe one day i'll MARRY james mcavoy!"
"... i can't keep this job no more."