Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

sep 5 - meaningless: an essay.

jennifer lopez's still (perfume) has finished. a great loss. it had a great smell. the bottle is so pretty. hmmm. i wonder if one can pry that thing of the top bottle. it's a little tight. how about a wedge here...there! wow, it's a ring! a wearable ring. jennifer lopez is awesome. designing nice smelling scents, AND accessorizing the bottle with an actual accessory? fabulous. it's a nice ring. with a fat "diamond" in the center. of course it looks totally fake, but it's so OUT THERE fake that it's alright. it's pretty. i mean, i was never a fan of rings but i don't mind wearing this. i think it will give me that insta-glam look. that would be a nice change from the insta-slob look i always have. how about this finger? huh. this? huh. this? uhh. here? nope... this? it fits! yay! but wait a minute. remember that game boss taught about the wedding ring finger? this is the wedding ring finger. great. just my luck it would only fit the wedding ring finger, this ring that i like, when i have never liked any other rings before. i'm not even near anywhere to getting married. if i wear this, and if a cute single awesome available guy comes along, and maybe he'll find me cute too, but he spies this on my wedding finger, he'll think i'm spoken for, and, there goes my chance. of maybe marriage happiness. or at least dating happiness. gosh darn it. thanks a lot, universe! now i'm down. again!

i guess this ring will have to be a tiara for the cat then. dang that cat is lucky.