Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

sep 11 - sweet valley forever

tickled me pink today: this blog: http://svensto.blogspot.com/

written by an almost 90 year old lady, who came to USA from sweden on a boat in 1938. because SHE IS EXACTLY JESSICA AND ELIZABETH'S GREAT GREAT GREAT (x?) GRANDMA! !!!
remember?! in that book?! the wakefield legacy or something? holy bats, batman, when i started reading i immediately hyperventilated. SO. AWESOME.

hi, i'm a sweet valley fan, forever.

oh! and also, a little sad because i just discovered ohsloane has shut down her blog. bummer. i love her and was looking forward to stories about her new baby. she has moved on. goodbye, sloane, and all the best.