Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

september 29 - sigh.

apparently, for the sake of my parent's happiness, i should get married.
briefly contemplated doing it for the sake of doing it.
GOURD. people, if it is EASY it would have been a done deal! !!! !!!!!

anyway, will post a note on facebook begging people to set me up with people they think should be set up with me(if any. i doubt it)
trying to figure out ways to make it humorous, yet tinged with desperate-ness.

so i saw because i said so yesterday, and mandy moore was all, "i stopped trying and the universe gave me two nice guys!"
it could only happen in movies. it could only happen in movies.
is it so bad to end up a cat lady? crazy is optional. i mean, you don't have to really be crazy.